In'Tress and Chloe are the last of my Mommy & Me giveaway winners. I have been photographing Chloe since In'Tress's pregnancy and I hope to continue to record her growth as the years come.
Little miss Chloe is quite the pistol which makes for a very interesting photographing experience. With this session we discovered that if we let Chloe run a couple laps around the location then she'd settle long enough to get a couple quick shots, and then she'd be off again! She even managed to get her mommy running right along with her!
I am a little sad to be wrapping up this series of images as each session came out so beautiful. I thoroughly enjoy capturing the bond between mamas and their babies. For information on booking your own Mommy & Me session or to get updates on future sales and events please feel free to contact me here.
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